Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Describing Things

Smart Spoon
How you ever heard of smart spoon?
I think it is a new high-tech toy for nowadays moms. Smart Spoon is a electronic device like many other electronic gadgets such as ipod, laptop,personal digital assistants (PDAs), 3G phones etc. But unlike other electronic gadgets, Smart Spoon is most likely will be needed in kitchen. As a caring son, I used to help my mom in her cooking starting from preparing the ingredients till tasting the food. while i'm studying here, she would be missing my company, I think a Smart Spoon would help her in the kitchen. This device in future could be seen in many kicthen as what the presence of fork & spoon does. Smart Spoon can check the level of acidity, salinity, pH level etc. The major component of Smart Spoon are the sensors on the spoon. The minor components are the computer circuit, processors, and battery. It is easy to use and handy,can be used anywhere in the kitchen. It may sounds futuristics but it is a practical approach for modern houses.

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